
End of season-Trailrunning


It becomes quite at the northsea...nice time for a long run in the wattensea. Wind, Rain and a lot of emtyness make the run to a special experience.

St. Peter-Ording


Running Sanddunes


Vegan-Around-the World-Tour


Carmen has startet in 2015 from Hamburg with her bicycle the Vegan-worldtour. After her last Stop India she has now arrived in Northamerika, a short visit  to the USA, and now she is going south in Mexiko. Good luck to her!

Tag des Offenen Ateliers / Day of the open atelier 27.08.2017


Thanks to all visitors! I hope we will see us soon again!


Ironman Hamburg



After two days of rain before the start of the IM-Hamburg, everybody was happy in the morning to get wet only of the Alster-Wasser. The sun was seen at least for some minutes...the bike part was typical hamburg weather cold, wet, and in the end some sun. After 140 km on the bike i got a little warm, becvause of the sun. The run part was more pleasure. Sun, a lot of people on the run course at the Alster. I was very happy to reach the famous finish-line at least at daylight.

Tag des Offenen Ateliers / Day of the open atelier 27.08.2017



I like to invite you ! Ich hoffe wir sehen uns!



6." Lauf gegen Rechts"



We had a great day . Around 2000 Runners and friends came to the run!

Votes at the ITRA



Auch wenn ich nicht in den Bergen wohne, aber gerne dahin reise, wäre es grossartig, wenn ihr mir eure Stimme

für die anstehenden Wahlen geben würdet!


Mit sportlichen Grüssen!



KunstKlima Exposition Männer und Männerinnen


The first Exposition this season



One of my work´s

IR - Photographic work with Infraredfilm

KunstKlima Showroom Season 2017


The KunstKlima Showroom has opend for the season May-Oktober


New works from the artist from KunstKlima, Altes Rathaus, Garding, Schleswig-Holstein